#pragma once #include<iostream> using namespace std; class LinkNode { public: int data; LinkNode * next; LinkNode() {}; LinkNode(const int &el, LinkNode * ptr = 0) { data = el; next = ptr; } }; class LinkList { public: LinkList(); ~LinkList(); void CreatLinkList(int length); void Print(); void LinkListEx(); private: LinkNode * head, *tail; //表头和表尾指针 int length;//当前链表长度 }; LinkList::LinkList() { length = 0; head = NULL; tail = NULL; } LinkList::~LinkList() { LinkNode* temp; int i=0; while (i < length) { temp = head; head = head->next; delete temp; i++; } } void LinkList::CreatLinkList(int l) { length = l; if (length == 0) { cout << "Failed to create" << endl; } else { head = new LinkNode; tail = head; cout << "input the data of this node: "; cin >> head->data; tail->next = NULL; LinkNode * temp; for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) { temp = new LinkNode; tail->next = temp; temp->next = NULL; tail = temp; cout << "input the data of this node: "; cin >> temp->data; } } } void LinkList::Print() { if (length == 0) { cout << "Empty list" << endl; } else { LinkNode * temp = head; while (temp != NULL) { cout << temp->data<< endl; temp = temp->next; } } } void LinkList::LinkListEx() { if (head == NULL) return; LinkNode *curNode = head,//当前结点 *nextNode = head->next, //下一个节点 *temp;//中间结点 while (nextNode != NULL) { temp = nextNode->next;//temp指向第三个节点 nextNode->next = curNode;//改变改变第二个指针域指向 curNode = nextNode;//curNode指向第二个节点 nextNode = temp;//nextNode指向第三个节点 } head->next = NULL;//头指针一直没改变,经过上面的变换之后须将头节点指针域变为NULL,作为尾结点 head = curNode;//将头指针指向改变 } xtNode指向第三个节点 } head->next = NULL;//头指针一直没改变,经过上面的变换之后须将头节点指针域变为NULL,作为尾结点 head = curNode;//将变}main函数位于LinkList.cp #pragma once #include #include”Node.h” using namespace std;
int main() { LinkList L; L.CreatLinkList(3); L.Print(); L.LinkListEx(); L.Print(); L.Print();}