
xiaoxiao2021-02-28  54


搜索了一下天气接口,发现很多都是收费接口,或者免费调用但是有次数限制。 因为项目上刚好用到天气模块,但是又不需要很具体的天气信息,所以萌生了开发一个基于中国天气数据的接口,中国天气的接口访问速度很快而且很稳定。 访问中国天气的接口有件麻烦事就是需要城市代码来查询。网上一搜城市代码,发现很多都是复制粘贴过来的。并没有json,xml等方便调用的格式。所以这个小项目的主要工作就是获取这些城市代码数据,所以说工作量不是很大。

直接上代码 1. 小爬虫

# !/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json import pickle import urllib.request as request from lxml import etree url = 'http://cj.weather.com.cn/support/detail.aspx?id=51837fba1b35fe0f8411b6df' save_dir = 'citycode.pkl' try: r = request.Request(url) response = request.urlopen(r) html = response.read() #print(html) selector = etree.HTML(html) data = selector.xpath('//div[@class="entry-content"]//p/text()')[0:] code_dict = {} # 注意到北京分隔符有中文逗号也有西文逗号故独立出来处理 code_dict['北京'] = data[0].strip().split(',')[0] for item in data[1:]: arr = item.strip().split(',') code_dict[arr[1]] = arr[0] print(code_dict) with open(save_dir, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(code_dict, f, True) with open('./dict.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(code_dict, f, ensure_ascii=False) except Exception as e: print('faild> ', e)


# !/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import datetime import requests from utils import * from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning #禁用安全警告 requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) class Weather(object): def __init__(self, city, type='forecast'): self.type = type self.single_url = None self.multi_url = None code = get_code(city) if code != None: self.single_url = 'http://www.weather.com.cn/data/sk/{}.html'.format(code) self.multi_url = 'http://mobile.weather.com.cn/data/forecast/{}.html'.format(code) def process(self): if self.type == 'forecast': result = self.get_multi() else: result = self.get_single() return result def get_multi(self): result = {} if self.multi_url != None: r = requests.get(self.multi_url, verify=False) try: json = eval(str(r.content, 'utf-8')) result['type'] = 'forecast' result['city'] = json['c']['c3'] result['results'] = [] for i, item in enumerate(list(json['f']['f1'])): now = datetime.datetime.now() delta = datetime.timedelta(days=i) n_days = now + delta date = n_days.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') temp = [item['fc'], item['fd']] info = { 'date': date, 'temperature': { 'low': min(temp), 'high': max(temp) }, 'sunrise': item['fi'].split('|')[0], 'sunset': item['fi'].split('|')[1] } result['results'].append(info) except Exception as e: print('error ', e) return result def get_single(self): result = {} if self.single_url != None: r = requests.get(self.single_url, verify=False) try: json = eval(str(r.content, 'utf-8')) result['type'] = 'realtime' result['city'] = json['weatherinfo']['city'] result['temperature'] = json['weatherinfo']['temp'] result['wind'] = json['weatherinfo']['WD'] result['rain'] = json['weatherinfo']['rain'] except: return result return result if __name__=='__main__': city = '深圳' print(city, '实时天气') print(Weather(city, 'realtime').process()) print(city, '未来七天天气') print(Weather(city).process())


深圳实时天气 {'type': 'realtime', 'city': '深圳', 'temperature': '21', 'wind': '南风', 'rain': '0'} 深圳未来七天天气 { 'type': 'forecast', 'city': '深圳', 'results': [ { 'date': '2017-08-31', 'temperature': {'low': '25', 'high': '32'}, 'sunrise': '06:18', 'sunset': '18:01' }, { 'date': '2017-09-01', 'temperature': {'low': '25', 'high': '31'}, 'sunrise': '06:19', 'sunset': '18:00' }, { 'date': '2017-09-02', 'temperature': {'low': '24', 'high': '27'}, 'sunrise': '06:19', 'sunset': '17:59' }, { 'date': '2017-09-03', 'temperature': {'low': '21', 'high': '25'}, 'sunrise': '06:20', 'sunset': '17:58' }, { 'date': '2017-09-04', 'temperature': {'low': '19', 'high': '23'}, 'sunrise': '06:20', 'sunset': '17:57' }, { 'date': '2017-09-05', 'temperature': {'low': '20', 'high': '23'}, 'sunrise': '06:20', 'sunset': '17:56' }, { 'date': '2017-09-06', 'temperature': {'low': '22', 'high': '25'}, 'sunrise': '06:21', 'sunset': '17:56' } ] }


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