J2EE 技术列表

xiaoxiao2024-06-11  26




Java 平台企业版(即Java EE )是一套协议技术,大大减少了成本和复杂性的开发,部署和管理多层,以服务器为中心的应用。建立在Java平台上,标准版( Java SE ) , Java EE的添加功能,提供一个完整,稳定,安全,快速的Java平台的企业。


Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) is a set of coordinated technologies that significantly reduces the cost and complexity of developing, deploying, and managing multitier, server-centric applications. Building on the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE), Java EE adds the capabilities that provide a complete, stable, secure, and fast Java platform for the enterprise. Discover why Java EE is a compelling platform for enterprise Java development.

Want to learn more about the technologies that comprise the Java EE 5 platform? Here's a list of the technologies, and their specifications, for Java EE 5 — starting with the umbrella Java EE 5 specification.

Specification downloads are the specs' final releases. Please check the individual JSR pages for download updates such as maintenance releases.


Java EE 5 Technologies   TechnologiesJSRDownloadJava Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (Java EE 5) JSR 244 Download spec
Web Services Technologies    » Read more
Implementing Enterprise Web Services JSR 109 Download spec
Java API for XML-Based Web Services (JAX-WS) 2.0 JSR 224 Download spec
Java API for XML-Based RPC (JAX-RPC) 1.1 JSR 101 Download spec
Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) 2.0 JSR 222 Download spec
SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) JSR 67 Download spec
Streaming API for XML JSR 173 Download spec
Web Service Metadata for the Java Platform JSR 181 Download spec
Web Application Technologies    » Read more
JavaServer Faces 1.2 JSR 252 Download spec
JavaServer Pages 2.1 JSR 245 Download spec
JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library JSR 52 Download spec
Java Servlet 2.5 JSR 154 Download spec
Enterprise Application Technologies    » Read more
Common Annotations for the Java Platform JSR 250 Download spec
Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 JSR 220 Download spec
J2EE Connector Architecture 1.5 JSR 112 Download spec
JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF) 1.1 JSR 925 Download spec
JavaMail JSR 919 Download spec
Java Message Service API JSR 914 Download spec
Java Persistence API JSR 220 Download spec
Java Transaction API (JTA) JSR 907 Download spec
Management and Security Technologies    » Read more
J2EE Application Deployment JSR 88 Download spec
J2EE Management JSR 77 Download spec
Java Authorization Contract for Containers JSR 115 Download spec



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