Intellij idea2017版本的新特性简介

xiaoxiao2021-02-28  58


Intellij idea2017版本的新特性特别多,这里就简单列了一下,全文在



Java 9

The update brings support for the upcoming Java 9 and its new module system. The IDE supports the latest versions of JDK, helps import projects, and offers coding assistance when editing module declarations.

A built-in inspection validates module declarations and provides a quick-fix to adjust the project dependencies accordingly when necessary.

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Java 8

The quick-fixes introduced earlier, which help migrate for loops to Stream API calls, have been improved and now support more complicated cases. We’ve also introduced a quick-fix that can migrate Stream API calls back into for loops.

When possible, the IDE suggests replacing Map.putstatements and updating a value associated with a given key with a call of Map.merge.

Also, the IDE suggests replacing certain Mapoperations with Map.getOrDefault.

JUnit 5 inspections

All JUnit 4 inspections are now available for JUnit 5.

Regexp syntax highlighting

Dedicated section in Settings → Editor → Colors & Fonts for RegExp syntax highlighting.

JVM debugger

Async stacktraces

The new feature called Capture alters the stacktrace by substituting its parts related to asynchronous code execution with the corresponding parts of the stacktrace captured from where the asynchronous code is passed.

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Stepping into async code

The Smart Step Into action now also supports asynchronous code and steps into lambda expressions executed on other threads.

Drag a breakpoint to remove it

We’ve added a new option called Drag a breakpoint to the editor area to remove it (available in Settings → Build, Execution, Deployment → Debugger, disabled by default). If you enable the option, a click on a breakpoint, instead of removing it, will enable/disable it. This option may saves you from accidentally removing a breakpoint and losing its parameters such as a condition.

Memory view in Debug

The JVM Debugger Memory View, introduced with IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3 as a separate plugin is bundled and available inside the Debug tool window.

Emulated method breakpoints

Method breakpoints are now emulated by the IDE as a combination of regular line breakpoints. As a result, we have method breakpoints that are a little slower to set but do not slow down application performance.

