UE4蓝图API翻译【目录】--- Mouse Input

xiaoxiao2021-02-28  41

汉化人:巴拉达尔 参考的引擎版本:4.19.1 汉化内容仅作临时参考,目的是为了降低无基础者初期的学习门槛。 所以当书写、交流、等实际使用时切记: 须以英文为准 若你对我的汉化感兴趣,请点击【汉化进度/模板共享】

英文文档Mouse Input汉化鼠标输入


根目录 Add Event(添加事件)


节点名注解英文文档/汉化文档Event ActorBeginCursorOverEvent when this actor has the mouse moved over it with the clickable interface.Target is Actor英文鼠标光标与对象重叠时事件汉化Event ActorEndCursorOverEvent when this actor has the mouse moved off of it with the clickable interface. Target is Actor英文鼠标光标与对象结束重叠时事件汉化Event ActorOnClickedEvent when this actor is clicked by the mouse when using the clickable interface.Target is Actor英文鼠标点击事件汉化Event ActorOnReleasedEvent when this actor is under the mouse when left mouse button is released while using the clickable interface. Target is Actor英文鼠标点击松开时事件汉化
转载请注明原文地址: https://www.6miu.com/read-2150201.html
