
xiaoxiao2021-02-28  10

作者:瀚高PG实验室 (Highgo PG Lab)-徐云鹤 PostgreSQL10 新增pg_partitioned_table动态视图。 该视图可以直观查看存储的分区表信息。   NameTypeReferencesDescriptionpartrelidoidpg_class.oidThe OID of the pg_class entry for this partitioned tablepartstratchar Partitioning strategy; l = list partitioned table, r = range partitioned tablepartnattsint2 The number of columns in partition keypartattrsint2vectorpg_attribute.attnumThis is an array of partnatts values that indicate which table columns are part of the partition key. For example, a value of 1 3 would mean that the first and the third table columns make up the partition key. A zero in this array indicates that the corresponding partition key column is an expression, rather than a simple column reference.partclassoidvectorpg_opclass.oidFor each column in the partition key, this contains the OID of the operator class to use. See pg_opclass for details.partcollationoidvectorpg_opclass.oidFor each column in the partition key, this contains the OID of the collation to use for partitioning, or zero if the column is not of a collatable data type.partexprspg_node_tree Expression trees (in nodeToString() representation) for partition key columns that are not simple column references. This is a list with one element for each zero entry in partattrs. Null if all partition key columns are simple references.  
