
xiaoxiao2021-07-26  123

/** * @file         filename * @brief        This is a brief description. * @details  This is the detail description. * @author       Huang Zhudong * @date     2018- * @version  v1.0 * @par Copyright (c):  * @par History:           */ 

/** * This is a brief description. * This is a detail description. * @param[in]   inArgName input argument description. * @param[out]  outArgName output argument description.  * @retval  OK  succeed * @retval  ERROR   fault  * @par  * @par Created in 2018-  */ 

/** * The brief description. * The detail description. */  typedef struct  {   int var1;///<Description of the member variable  }XXXX;

/** Description of the macro */  #define XXXX_XXX_XX     0 

/**  Description of global variable  */  int g_xxx = 0;    static int s_xxx = 0; ///<  Description of static variable 

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