
xiaoxiao2021-02-28  22

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # @Author: mh # @Time: 2018/3/25 14:49 # @说明: """对名片管理系统进行改进 1. 进行必要的封装,从面向过程改为面对对象的处理方式 2. 用数据库的形式将信息存储在数据库中 1.当用户对数据进行修改时,实际是对数据库进行修改 2.查看等等一些列操作也是通过SQL语句完成 """ import time from ly_05_框架函数 import frame from pymysql import connect """定义一个类,定义单个名片对象 1. 对对象的初始化 2. 存储 3. 修改 4. 查看帮助 以下操作都是基于对于mysql数据库的交互 mysql -uroot -p create database xxx charset="utf8"; use xxx(数据库名); create table name_card( id tinyint unsigned auto_increment primary key not null, name varchar(20), age tinyint unsigned, gender enum("男","女"), height decimal(5,2), tell_phone varchar(11), e_mail varchar(30), birthday varchar(20) );""" class NameCard(object): def __init__(self): # 建立链接,创建光标 self.ly_connect = connect(host="localhost",port=3306,user="root", password="mysql",database="ly_python", charset="utf8") self.ly_cursor = self.ly_connect.cursor() def show(self,count,tuple): print("--id-----name----age--gender---height-----tell_phone------------e_mail------------birthday---") for i in range(count): list = [] for string in tuple[i]: string = str(string) list.append(string) print(list[0].ljust(4) + " " + list[1].center(10) + list[2].center(5) + list[3].center(8) + list[4].center(10) + list[5].center(16) + list[6].center(24) + list[7].center(14)) def insert_data(self): while True: print("---名片创建---") print(">>>") print("") id = 0 # int name = input("姓名:") # varchar age = int(input("年龄:")) # int gender = int(input("性别[1,男生 2,女生]:")) # 枚举类型,男 或者 女 1 或者 2 height = float(input("身高[cm]:")) # decimal 小数 tell_phone = input("手机号码:") # varchar e_mail = input("邮箱:") # varchar 这里要特别注意sql语句,有哪些特殊字符不能当做普通的字符输入 birthday = input("出生年月[xxxx_xx_xx]:") # varchar result_tuple = (id, name, age, gender, height, tell_phone, e_mail, birthday) self.ly_cursor.execute("insert into name_card VALUES(%d,'%s',%d,%d,%5.2f,'%s','%s','%s');" % result_tuple) self.ly_connect.commit() a = input("名片创建成功,是否继续[1]继续 [其余键]返回:") if a != "1": break @staticmethod def show_windows(): print("-" * 100) print("请选择查看名片的方式:") print("") print("1>> 查看所有名片") print("2>> 根据姓名搜索") print(" [注]你只需输入关键字,会自动匹配符合的全部内容") print("3>> 根据年龄搜索") print(" [注]输入对应的年龄区间") print("4>> 根据性别搜索") print("") print("1>> 按年龄排序") print("2>> 按性别排序") print("3>> 按姓名排序") print("0>> 反序") def show_data(self): while True: self.show_windows() a = input("请输入你想要搜索的选项[0]退出:") if a == "0": break else: b = input("请输入排序方式[注]可以采用多重排序方式,例如[123]按年龄排序,如果年龄相同,按性别排序,如果性别相同,按姓名排序," "如果想要反序查看的话,在后面再加0:") string = self.rank_show(b) if a == "1": print("---所有名片---") count = self.ly_cursor.execute("select * from name_card order by %s;" % string) tuple = self.ly_cursor.fetchall(),tuple) m = input("请输入任意键退出:") if m: continue if a == "2": s = input("请输入姓名关键字:") count = self.ly_cursor.execute("select * from name_card where name LIKE '%' + %s + '%' ORDER BY %s;" % (s,string)) tuple = self.ly_cursor.fetchall(), tuple) m = input("请输入任意键退出:") if m: continue if a == "3": while True: try: top = int(input("请输入查询年龄的上限:")) buttom = int(input("请输入查询年龄的下限:")) except: print("请输入正确的信息") continue else: count = self.ly_cursor.execute( "select * from name_card where age between %d and %d ORDER BY %s;" % (buttom, top)) tuple = self.ly_cursor.fetchall(), tuple) break m = input("请输入任意键退出:") if m: continue if a == "4": while True: try: gender = int(input("请输入你想要查询的性别[0]男生 [1]女生:")) except: print("请输入正确的信息") continue else: count = self.ly_cursor.execute( "select * from name_card where gender=%d ORDER BY %s;" % gender) tuple = self.ly_cursor.fetchall(), tuple) break m = input("请输入任意键退出:") if m: continue def rank_show(self,b): # 根据用户输入的排序方式,返回语句,也就是一个字符串 list = [4] * 4 list_result = [] desc = 0 if not b or b[0] not in ["0","1","2","3"]: list_result.append("id") else: for i in range(len(b)): list[i] = b[i] for a in list: if a == "1": list_result.append("age") elif a == "2": list_result.append("gender") elif a == "3": list_result.append("name") elif a == "0": desc = 1 if list_result == []: list_result.append("id") break else: pass if desc == 1: list_result[0] += " desc" result = ",".join(list_result) return result def update_data(self): while True: r_name = input("请输入你想要修改的名片的姓名信息[退出]直接回车:") if r_name: pr_name = [r_name] count = self.ly_cursor.execute("select * from name_card where name=%s" ,pr_name) tuple = self.ly_cursor.fetchall() if tuple:,tuple) r_name = int(input("是否要对数据进行修改[ ]输入你想要修改的id [0]否:")) if r_name == 0: continue else: print("---修改数据,不需要修改的直接回车") self.ly_cursor.execute("select * from name_card where id=%d" % r_name) tuple = self.ly_cursor.fetchall(),tuple) while True: name = input("姓名:") if name: self.ly_cursor.execute("update name_card set name='%s' WHERE id=%d" % (name,r_name)) age = input("年龄:") if age: self.ly_cursor.execute("update name_card set age=%d WHERE id=%d" % (int(age),r_name)) gender = input("性别[1,男生 2,女生]:") if gender: self.ly_cursor.execute("update name_card set gender=%d WHERE id=%d" % (int(gender),r_name)) height = input("身高[cm]:") if height: self.ly_cursor.execute("update name_card set height=%5.2f WHERE id=%d" % (float(height),r_name)) tell_phone = input("手机号码:") if tell_phone: self.ly_cursor.execute("update name_card set tell_phone='%s' WHERE id=%d" % (,r_name)) e_mail = input("邮箱:") if e_mail: self.ly_cursor.execute("update name_card set e_mail='%s' WHERE id=%d" % (,r_name)) birthday = input("出生年月[xxxx_xx_xx]:") if birthday: self.ly_cursor.execute("update name_card set birthday='%s' WHERE id=%d" % (,r_name)) self.ly_connect.commit() print("名片修改成功") self.ly_cursor.execute("select * from name_card where id=%d" % r_name) tuple = self.ly_cursor.fetchall(),tuple) b = input("[任意键]继续修改 [直接回车]返回") if not b: break else: print("没有找到相关信息,请确认是否输入有误.") continue else: break # 帮助界面 @staticmethod def help_windows(): print("*" * 100) print("") print("很高兴能够帮您解答疑惑!") print("我们总共有四个选项可以供您选择,如果您想新建您的名片,您选择<1>\n \ 然后按照提示输入您的信息即可。如果您想查看所有的名片信息,您选择<2>,而且我们提供了人性化的查看方式\n \ 如果你想查找某个人的信息,您选择<3>,只需要输入他的名字,我们会自动输入他的信息,当然您还可以对信息进行修改") print("") print("如果您还有什么疑惑的话,可以拨打我们的热线电话进行咨询。") print("tell:111111111") print("*" * 100) # 创建菜单函数 @staticmethod def menu(): print("-" * 50) print("欢迎使用lenmei名片系统!") print("") print("1>> 新建名片") print("2>> 查看名片") print("3>> 修改名片") print("4>> 帮助") print("") print("0>>退出系统") print("") print("-" * 50) # 开始创建主函数或者说是调用函数,要求是无限循环的函数,除非用户自己主动退出 def main_call(name_card): # 新建文件,用于保存数据 while True: i = input("请输入您想要执行的项目:") if i in ["1", "2", "3", "4"]: if i == "1": b = input("您选择的操作是【新建名片】,是否继续[1]是[2]返回:") if b != "1": continue # 自执新建名片操作,及添加数据 name_card.insert_data() elif i == "2": name_card.show_data() elif i == "3": b = input("您选择的操作是【搜索名片】,是否继续[1]是[2]返回:") if b != "1": continue name_card.update_data() else: b = input("您选择的操作是【帮助】,是否继续[1]是[2]返回:") if b != "1": continue name_card.help_windows() s = input("输入任意字符回到主菜单!") if s: continue elif i == "0": b = input("您确定要退出系统吗?[1]是[2]返回主菜单:") if b != "1": continue print("欢迎下次光临!") break else: print("不好意思,您输入的信息有误,请再次输入。") def main(): # 输出框架,欢迎界面 frame("welcome to the name_card management information system by ly") time.sleep(2) # 创建名片对象 name_card = NameCard() # 主调用程序 main_call(name_card) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
